I tried to Share with you the information about Mentawai Island. If you have an others information and need to post into this blog, you can contact me at gustishell@gmail.com.
There is no direction when the first person attended in Mentawai Islands, but from their language, stage of culture, and their physic, may be the tribe of Mentawai based from Homo Sapien who come for the first time in Indonesia. Many anthropologists make their in group. “Pro Malay”, Neolitchic culture, little bronze era but no Buddishm, Hinduism or Islam. It shows that they come to Mentawai thousand years ago. In many aspects, the people of Mentawai are old tribe with cultures that common in Indonesia.
The social life that contered on UMA, one long house, there are some people from same ancestors. Each family 5-15 person has personal part and other houses in forest near their farms.
Each uma located in teribe territorial region, arround big rivers. The region of one tribe consist from river lines and after a long time the tribe regions was developed to be new regions with region languages and personal speaks. Between these groups had increase the charateristic of region and hard competition.
Mentawai people in general have “Sabulungan” that believe in human until monkeys, stone until season, the soul eliminated from body and free with wishes. The principle of this trust is the good condition of creation, with some religious behind the things that known as “Kina Ulau” or our of reach. Like the old trust, they focus in manifestation of soul creation, souls in contant relation each other, but the activity of people can break this condition.
To get this condition back, people can do many religion ceremonies, “Pulaijat”. The head of this pulaijat is called king “Rimata”. Before this religion ceremony, they create many kinds of flowes, enau leafs. This ceremony is done along a week. People in the one village being together in Uma.